P-04-597    Protect the future of Funky Dragon, the Children and Young People’s Assembly for Wales

Petition wording:

We, the undersigned, call on the National Assembly for Wales to urge the Welsh Government to protect the future of Funky Dragon, the Children and Young People’s Assembly for Wales by restoring core funding. Wales must have an independent, youth led, publically funded, national platform for children and young people, democratically elected at a local level, to give voice to their views and opinions and to hold the Welsh Government to account. The national platform must be empowered to work with all elected members to further children and young people’s issues and to report directly to the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child as Funky Dragon did so successfully in 2008.

Funky Dragon still believes that:

1. Young people, democratically elected at a local level, should have a National Platform to voice their views and opinions.

2. That platform should be called The Youth Assembly for Wales.

3. It should be able to work with all Elected Members including Assembly Members and Members of Parliament to further young peoples issues.

4. It should be supported to allow Welsh young people to report directly to the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child.

The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, in commenting on the last UK State report stated: Concluding observation 33. That governments’ ˜Support forums for children’s participation, such as the United Kingdom Youth Parliament, Funky Dragon in Wales and Youth Parliament in Scotland should be implemented.


Petitioner :  Catherine Patricia Jones

First considered by the Committee: 23 September 2014

Number of Signatures:   1,212  electronic signatures and 429 paper signatures. Total 1,641